Mance and his partner, Leemon Baird (who invented hashgraph), have been in the technology/security/privacy space for decades. Their latest venture, Hedera Hashgraph, is a platform that provides a new form of distributed consensus. It’s kind of like blockchain on steroids, except that it’s not a chain; it’s a graph. Also, it’s not open source; it’s patented. Their aim was to take all that is good about blockchain and create an enterprise-level platform that is faster, stable, and more secure.
In today’s episode you’ll learn:
- About Mance and Leemon’s technical and entrepreneurial background
- Why Leemon invented hashgraph
- How hashgraph differs from blockchain
- Why Mance and Leemon patented Hedera Hashgraph
- The types of applications for which hashgraph can be used
- About Hedera Hashgraph’s immediate and anticipated plans (including a cryptocurrency)

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What was your biggest insight from this week’s episode? Let Jay know in the comments or on Twitter: @jaykimmer.
- Read the full transcript from Mance’s interview
- Find Mance on Twitter and LinkedIn
- Find Hedera Hashgraph on Twitter, Telegram, GitHub, Medium, and YouTube
- Hedera Hashgraph whitepaper
- (1:11) Mance’s self-introduction and background
- (4:24) Mance explains why his partner, Leemon, invented hashgraph
- (9:47) Mance gives a quick overview of Swirlds and Hedera Hashgraph
- (11:41) Mance gives a brief history of Bitcoin and explains what is hashgraph and why it’s superior to blockchain
- (17:55) The four public ledger requirement areas — technology, security, stability, and governance
- (23:55) Mance explains why they decided to patent hashgraph
- (26:26) The vision for Hedera Hashgraph’s governance
- (32:14) The three initial services that are running on top of hashgraph
- (34:27) Other applications for which hashgraph can be used
- (39:43) Mance’s view of how and in what sectors hashgraph will be adopted
- (43:32) Mance shares some of Hedera Hashgraph’s immediate and anticipated plans, including hackathons and a cryptocurrency
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