Rich Schmelzer is a serial entrepreneur and is currently the CEO of Commutifi, which uses data to provide sustainable mobility solutions for enterprises. Think of it like this: Commutifi is to transportation and parking what a corporate wellness program is to health. The goal is to improve quality of life, decrease carbon footprints, and save time and energy by suggesting alternative transport modes to individual employees.
In today’s episode you’ll learn:
- About some of Rich’s past startup successes
- About Commutifi and their business model
- Rich’s advice for young entrepreneurs

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- Read the full transcript from Rich’s interview
- Find Commutifi on Facebook, LinkedIn, & Medium
- Commutifi
- (1:48) An overview of Rich’s background and his location, Boulder, Colorado.
- (3:41) Rich tells about a few of his past successful startups
- (10:51) Rich gives an overview of Commutifi
- (13:35) The idea behind Commutifi
- (15:55) Rich’s Cummutifi team
- (17:17) Rich describes the Commutifi onboarding and user experience
- (19:32) Rich describes Commutifi’s user dashboard and why they don’t have an app.
- (20:46) How and why companies may choose to incent their employees to mode shift
- (23:46) An example of how a new employee would get setup with and use Commutifi
- (25:52) Rich explains the Commutifi business model
- (27:37) Rich describers Commutifi’s iterative process
- (29:20) Rich’s goals for Commutifi in 2018
- (31:15) Rich’s advice for young entrepreneurs
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