What do you get when you combine artificial intelligence, human intelligence experts, behavioral psychology, history, and complexity science? You get something that looks like magic. You get RAVEN, the predictive tool developed by Meraglim for analysts and investors.
In today’s episode, Kevin Massengill, Meraglim’s founder and CEO, argues that the emperor has no clothes: the shell game that is our financial system is on the ropes. To thrive in today’s market, investors need a way to aggregate and distill the available data so that intelligent investment decisions can be made.
In today’s episode you’ll learn:
- About Kevin’s career path and about how and why he teamed up with Jim Rickards to build Meraglim
- How RAVEN is changing the way analysts distill and digest information
- About Meraglim’s business model
- Kevin’s thoughts about sound investments and cryptocurrencies

Listen to this episode on iTunes
What was your biggest insight from this week’s episode? Let Jay know in the comments or on Twitter: @jaykimmer.
- Read the full transcript from Kevin’s interview
- Meraglim’s demo using IBM’s Watson
- Meraglim.com
- Meraglim on Fundable
- John Exter’s Inverted Pyramid
- (1:29) Kevin describes how his previous careers and his relationship with Jim Richards led him to found Meraglim
- (11:19) Who is Jim Rickards anyway?
- (12:57) Kevin explains the components behind RAVEN
- (15:46) Jay and Kevin discuss why this technology “looks like magic”
- (16:28) Jay and Kevin compare and contrast an analyst’s workflow with and without the use of RAVEN, Meraglim’s Watson-powered system
- (17:40) Why the names “RAVEN” and “Meraglim”?
- (17:40) Kevin gets specific on how an analyst interacts with and utilizes RAVEN
- (22:51) Kevin reveals the expert intelligence team with which Meraglim will be partnering
- (27:15) Kevin explains Meraglim’s target clients and business model
- (31:46) Kevin gives examples of non-consensus predictions RAVEN has made — and been right about
- (36:09) Kevin discloses his personal investment strategy and his general investment recommendations, including his thoughts on bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
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