Tao Wang was born and raised in China and studied finance and investment in the United States. Wanting to get some coaching on how to put theory into practice, he approached Alpha Architect founder, Wes Gray, and offered to work for him — for free. Not one to pass up a bargain, Wes accepted the “Chinese cheap labor.” In the end, it was a win-win all around. Wang is now a managing member of Alpha Architect. Among other things, he’s helping the firm expand its footprint in China.
In today’s interview, Toa explains the various theories behind the firm’s investment strategies — particularly factor-based investing. He also shares a fascinating study in which “following the model” produced a better return over deviating from the model with additional human involvement, which didn’t perform as well as the passive index. The bottom line: You’re better off sticking with the model.
In today’s episode you’ll learn:
- About Alpha Architect
- How Tao met and was hired by Alpha Architect’s founder, Wes Gray
- About factor investing
- About the experiment that demonstrated that it’s better to stick with the model than to add
- About Alpha Architect’s plans for expanding into the Chinese market

Listen to this episode on iTunes
What was your biggest insight from this week’s episode? Let Jay know in the comments or on Twitter: @jaykimmer.
- Read the full transcript from Tao’s interview
- Find Alpha Architect on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn
- AlphaArchitect.com
- Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
- The Little Book that Still Beats the Market by Joel Greenblatt
- (00:50) Tao’s self-introduction
- (03:05) How Tao met Wed, the founder of Alpha Architects and came to work with him
- (09:38) Tao describes Alpha Architect’s clients
- (13:43) The various strategies and products Alpha Architect offers
- (15:12) Tao explains what factor-based investing is
- (18:17) Alpha Architect’s process when screening for investments
- (20:39) On managing emotions in trading decisions
- (28:00) Tao’s views on Chinese and Asian markets
- (34:14) Alpha Architect’s international product
- (36:56) Alpha Architect’s plans for expanding their Chinese footprint
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