When a South African tells you he’s “not going to try to polish this turd and tell you it looks all grand and glorious,” he ain’t kidding. Francis tells it to you straight, even when the truth reeks to high heaven.
If you’ve been around here for a while, you already know that the financial world is due for a reset and that our current monetary system is a foundationless house of cards that will have to collapse. Until it does, Francis Hunt, founder of the Market Sniper, The Crypto Sniper, and The Reset Sniper, asserts that our most important job is to build wealth so that we can increase the odds of preserving our personal freedoms, which are quickly being eroded. Think masks, lockdowns, restricted movement, vaccines, etc.
Francis is an un-siloed investor, believing that a diverse portfolio is foundational to wealth management. He plays the market, trades cryptocurrencies, owns precious metals, and he teaches others to build wealth using his Hunt Volatility Funnel Method. He aims to help others invest with the precision and impact of a sniper while keeping emotions at bay and calculating risk-reward.
In my conversation with Francis, we go dark and dystopian, but we don’t stay there. Yes, we’re in a dark time, but Francis reminds us that opportunities abound. Not only does he share some of his investing principles and gives tips on how to get started moving in the direction of his tripwire methodology, he shares a sort of a method for managing emotions as well. Our conversation shows that Francis is a student of human nature as well as markets. He explains what’s needed to keep emotions out of investment decisions and how to snap out of it when you start feeling depressed about the direction the world is heading in.
Though these days are dark, our best days are ahead. This episode is jam-packed.
In today’s episode you’ll learn:
- About Francis Hunt
- About the Hunt Volatility Funnel Method
- About the coming reset and its likely impact on individual freedoms
- About the psychological challenges investors face and how to respond to them
- What’s behind the “sniper” name
- Three steps you can take now to move in the direction of the HVF method
- About the importance of naming your triggers
- Why “beliefs” and “gut feelings” are often traps
- Why Francis won’t be getting a COVID-19 vaccine any time soon
- Francis’s advice on prepping for the reset
- Francis’s monthly Excel-spreadsheet exercise for wealth management
- Francis’s long-term outlook for fiat and cryptocurrencies

Listen to this episode on iTunes
What was your biggest insight from this week’s episode? Let Jay know in the comments or on Twitter: @jaykimmer.
- Read the full transcript from Francis’s interview
- Find Francis on Twitter @TheMarketSniper, @TheCryptoSniper, @TheResetSniper
- The Market Sniper YouTube channel
- The Crypto Sniper YouTube channel
- The Reset Sniper YouTube channel
- The Market Sniper — Get started here
- The Market Sniper’s free trading course
- The Market Sniper’s webinar
- Official The Market Sniper merch
- Francis’s “Dollar Milkshake” conversation with Brent Johnson
- James Corbett’s “Rockefeller Medicine” Report
- Francis’s choice for gold, silver & platinum purchases real 100% allocated bullion & named bar reservation
- (00:44) Jay’s introduction of Francis
- (02:56) How an aunt’s inheritance got Francis got into trading
- (05:39) The breadth of Francis’ investment areas and an introduction of the coming reset
- (07:52) How the reset may affect individual freedom
- (11:05) Why your future freedoms depend on building wealth today
- (14:56) Francis’s wealth generation framework
- (17:58) Why it’s best to be broad and un-siloed with your investments
- (22:16) The HVF Method
- (24:31) The psychological challenges investors face
- (25:33) What’s behind the “sniper” name
- (30:30) Three tips for where to start…
- (30:51) Tip #1 — cut your number of trades to a third of what it currently is
- (34:16) Tip #2 — never enter the market on a market order
- (35:43) How Tip #2 is like game viewing in the South African bush
- (41:37) On becoming aware of your own triggers
- (44:56) Tip #3 — know your full risk-reward ratio prior to order entry
- (47:28) Why investors need to move away from saying, “I believe the market will….”
- (53:01) An overview of the coming reset and the COVID-19 pandemic
- (56:58) Sidebar: Francis called single-digit oil pre-COVID
- (59:19) The COVID response, social unrest, and the push for communism
- (1:03:04) On where to be if freedom of movement is restricted
- (1:04:31) On parring down those who deny the truth
- (1:06:15) On prepping
- (1:11:13) The importance of maintaining an optimistic disposition and taking action
- (1:12:30) How to position yourself with various asset classes
- (1:16:32) Francis’ long-term outlook for fiat currencies, cryptos, etc.
- (1:22:21) Francis describes that Excel spreadsheet to help you know, month by month, which asset class to invest in
- (1:29:20) A message of hope
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