Today’s episode features legendary investor Marc Faber, and listeners are in for a treat. If you don’t already know of the Gloom, Boom, Doom Report publisher, Marc shoots from the hip and, like the name of his report suggests, he doesn’t sugarcoat anything, but he still manages to deliver his message with a serving of humor.
In today’s episode, we cover a lot of ground. You’ll learn about Marc’s Swiss upbringing, his venture on Wall Street, how he ended up in Asia in the 1970s, and why he decided to stay. We discuss cryptocurrencies and why (though he hasn’t invested in them and he’s not in a rush to do so) Marc believes they are here to stay.
Advising anyone with extra cash to invest in China and other emerging markets, Marc views Western-only investors as backwards and out of touch. He shares his personal gold-buying strategy and why he purchases monthly, no matter if the price is up or down. And in case these aren’t enough reasons to listen in, you don’t want to miss the nuggets of wisdom sprinkled throughout my chat with Marc.
In today’s episode you’ll learn:
- Marc’s perspective on cryptocurrencies and why he thinks they’ll be around for some time
- Why Marc prefers to use cash
- Why Marc hasn’t invested in cryptocurrencies and what he’s waiting for
- Why Marc has been in Asia since the 1970s
- Why Marc recommends that anyone with money to invest put some of it in China
- Why Marc believes 50% of your allocations should be in emerging markets
- Why Marc buys gold every month, whether the price is up or down
- Nuggets of wisdom from a legendary investor

Listen to this episode on iTunes
What was your biggest insight from this week’s episode? Let Jay know in the comments or on Twitter: @jaykimmer.
- Read the full transcript from Marc’s interview
- Gloom Boom Doom website
- (00:43) Jay’s introduction of Marc
- (01:48) Marc’s take on cryptocurrencies
- (05:36) Why Marc currently doesn’t own cryptocurrencies
- (08:07) Why Marc initially moved to Asia
- (08:07) Marc’s outlook on the Chinese market and why investors should look outside Europe and the US
- (19:59) Jay and Marc discuss issues of currency manipulation and government integrity
- (25:20) Marc comments on current market conditions
- (29:26) Other countries Marc recommends investing in
- (32:11) Marc shares his philosophy on precious metals
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