Rayliant Global Advisors focuses on investing in the Greater China market through “quantumental” strategies, which is a combination of both fundamental and quantitative analysis. In today’s episode, Jason Hsu, founder and CIO of Rayliant, gives a primer on smart beta, a term that’s occasionally bantered around in the mainstream media, and explains why his firm prefers to get the quant and fundamental brains together in the same room, as both have important insights to contribute to the conversation.
Jason and I discuss why even the professionals so often make poor investment choices. He also explains why he expects to see global pension funds invest in the Chinese market and how you can get ahead of the flow of capital heading into Asia. We cover a lot of ground in this one. Join us!
In today’s episode you’ll learn:
- About Rayliant Global Advisors
- About smart beta
- The psychology of investing and why finance runs counter to most other areas of life
- About “quantumental” investment strategies
- About the challenges of investing in China
- Long-term investment strategies for the Asian market
- Jason’s long-term outlook for the Chinese market

Listen to this episode on iTunes
What was your biggest insight from this week’s episode? Let Jay know in the comments or on Twitter: @jaykimmer.
- Read the full transcript from Jason’s interview
- Rayliant Global Advisors
- Find Jason on LinkedIn
- Hsu@Raylient.com
- (0:42) Jay’s introduction of Jason Hsu
- (1:24) Jason’s self-introduction and background
- (2:10) Background of Research Affiliates and Rayliant Global Advisors
- (4:49) Jason gives a primer on smart beta
- (7:17) Smart beta and the psychology of investing
- (10:27) Intersecting quantitative and fundamental strategies
- (14:03) Overview of the Asian market
- (18:46) Why global pension funds will have to invest in China
- (19:45) How to get a head start in China
- (21:59) The risks with smart beta strategies
- (26:41) Rayliant’s investment strategies for institutions
- (28:02) Jay and Jason discuss family offices
- (30:51) Jason’s outlook on Asia over the next five to ten years
- (33:57) Sectors in the Chinese market that Jason recommends looking into
- (36:49) Jason’s current projects
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