Grant Williams has been trading equities and bonds all over the world for more than 30 years. As a young, formidable trader, he experienced the crash of ‘87, which he believes contributed to his evolving into a value investor. He views today’s market much like the one of his early trading years. Everything is going up, but where is the value?
Today’s episode is part history lesson, part investment wisdom, and part outlook on the market corrections Grant believes are in store. We also get an overview of Grant’s blog/newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm, and Real Vision, the online, on-demand financial channel that delivers in-depth insights from the world’s best traders.
In today’s episode you’ll learn:
- About the uncle who inspired Grant to become an investor
- Why Grant started his wildly popular blog/newsletter
- About Real Vision
- What it means to be a value trader
- About the role and impact of the petrodollar
- About de-dollarization
- Why shorting the VIX is “an incredibly dangerous thing to do”
- Grant’s thoughts on investing in China and in other Asian markets

Listen to this episode on iTunes
What was your biggest insight from this week’s episode? Let Jay know in the comments or on Twitter: @jaykimmer.
- Read the full transcript from Grant’s interview
- Find Grant on Twitter
- Find Real Vision on Twitter
- Things That Make You Go Hmmm
- Real Vision
- Article about ex-Target logistics manager who made millions short trading
- (1:23) Grant’s self-introduction and background
- (2:23) Grant shares how he became in investor
- (3:49) Grant’s investment framework/methodology
- (6:25) Jay and Grant discuss value investing
- (8:20) Grant addresses de-dollarization
- (12:41) How Grant sees the low interest rates and the devaluation of the dollar playing out
- (17:07) Grant’s thoughts on the volatility of the VIX
- (20:23) Why Grant decided to start his Things That Make You Go Hmmm blog/newsletter
- (23:29) Grant gives an overview of Real Vision
- (27:41) Grant shares his thoughts on investing in China and greater Asia
- (32:22) Grant’s forecast for the market over the next 6 to 12 months
- (34:33) Grant shares about Real Vision’s second podcast season and the newsletter available at his blog
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