Your host, Jay Kim, bids farewell to 2018, the old theme song, and the weekly publishing schedule, and he introduces changes to the show for 2019.
In today’s episode you’ll learn:
- The initial goals and themes of the JKS
- About an audience-requested new theme that will be added to the mix in 2019
- About the programming schedule change

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What was your biggest insight from this week’s episode? Let Jay know in the comments or on Twitter: @jaykimmer.
- (0:50) What’s different about today’s show
- (1:02) A word of thanks to you, the listeners
- (1:47) A change coming to the JKS
- (2:28) On keeping the quality high
- (2:52) The initial goal of the JKS (to provide value) and the two main themes of the show (high-profile entrepreneurs and Asian startups)
- (4:25) General investing will be added to the mix of themes in 2019
- (5:54) Programming schedule changes to expect in 2019
- (6:35) Salutation and Happy Holidays
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