Quick-and-easy online comparison tools of banking and insurance services have been commonplace in the West for years, as has been the application and onboarding process for those services. That has not been the case in many parts of the world, including Southeast Asia. YT founded Jirnexu, a Malaysian-based fintech company, which serves customers — by providing a marketplace platform — as well as banks and insurers — by providing tools for streamlining the onboarding process.
In today’s episode you’ll learn:
- Why YT moved returned to Malaysia after living abroad for 15 years
- Why he left banking to found Jirnexu
- About Jirnexu
- YT’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs

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What was your biggest insight from this week’s episode? Let Jay know in the comments or on Twitter: @jaykimmer.
- Read the full transcript from YT’s interview
- Find YT on LinkedIn
- Jirnexu
- (2:04) YT shares his background and why he became an entrepreneur
- (7:42) The catalysts that made YT decide to start a fintech company in 2012
- (11:42) YT shares how Jirnexu has evolved over time
- (16:55) YT explains how Jirnexu approaches banks and insurance companies to participate in its comparison marketplace
- (22:04) YT explains why Jirnexu is expanding into white labeling its technology
- (25:39) YT describes the user experience and the Jirnexu revenue model
- (30:51) Jinexu — YT explains the name and tells about his future plans for the company
- (32:57) YT’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs
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